Showing posts with label Andrew Zaloumis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Zaloumis. Show all posts

Sunday, June 09, 2019

How to create Scouring Effect

Scouring effect is a very simple principal that any child that ever played with a hose pipe can explain to you. It is using water pressure to erode away sand. Well it seems the scientists and marine biologists that created the post Taylor Management plan could not comprehend exactly that.

Here is old photos used from the scientific paper by Dr Ricky Taylor as presented to the university of Cambridge for pier review to explain that the using of hydrology is nothing new to the scientific minds that have helped establishing a great system that won many awards including World Heritage Status.

The problem Andrew Zaloumis had with a working Estuarine system is that brought wealth to the The Greater St Lucia basin and with a self sustainable self funding system he could not prey the Park free from the South African Public. He could not obtain ownership and title deeds if the Park was a financial success.

The total monitory value of the Park is the reason the absolute demise of the system was planned, but Andrew did not calculate into his equation is the love for Nature and the park his late dad bestowed into millions of South Africans over a 60 year period. It is the struggle to overthrow the love his dad created by investing educational programs in future generations that led to a struggle of will that eventually initiated the total demise of a once great ecological resource that was the corner stone to South African Domestic and Foreign Tourism.

We will Revive St Lucia Uncle Nolli... We will...

Petrus Viviers

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hoe Belangrik is n Estuarium

Borrowed because it best explain my message


Hoe Belangrik is n Estuarium

Verbeel jou jy will besef hoe belangrik is n funksionerende Estuarium. Verbeel jou jy het die moed om met oorgawe die rol van n Estuarium in Moeder Natuur te probeer verstaan. Indien jy eg is in jou behoefte om te probeer verstaan vra dan n vriend of vriendin.. liefs n geliefde om jou te help, want dit moet iemand met empatie wees. Iemand wat sal omgee dat jy sal oorleef.

Sodra jy die persoon ge eien het en jou lewe aan hom of selfs, as jy braaf is, 'n haar dan kan jy hierdie baie belangrike oefening doen in vertroue. Die oefening wat jy speels sal verstaan dat ons op geleende tyd speel. Ons in die laaste fraksie ... Die laaste breukdeel van n sekond funksioneer.

Die eksperiment kan of sittend of staande uitgevoer word. Mens sou nou dink dat die n grap is, maar nee die mag dalk die belangrikste oefening in oorlewing wees wat jy nog gedoen het. Gaan staan of sit nou met jou rug na die persoon toe. Dis belangrik dat jy volkome ontspan. So ontspanne wees dat jy voel jy in n alternatiewe realiteit bevind... Amper n stase van slaap. Die is die belangrikste deel van die oefening.

Hoekom so ontspanne wees dat jy in droomland se randjie beweeg. Omdat ons in werklikheid in realiteit so ontspanne is dat ons glad nie ag slaan op die realiteit wat ons in die gesig staar nie. Ons is so vasgevang in ons eie weergawe van die werklikheid dat ons onsself nie n oomblik gun om die realiteit te verwerk nie.

Goed die persoon moet ferm wees. Met geen genade nie, want ons het in ons apatiese verantwoordelikheid sin geen genade nie. Die persoon wat jy gekies het moet sterk wees. Sterk in wil en gees.. sterk wees in vlees ook, want die greep wat ons op Moedernatuur se voortbestaan het is n genadelose ene. In werklikheid n meedoënlose ene. 

Wag die persoon moet doen is om sy of haar een arm ferm om jou te slaan. So by so dat jy nie een van jou twee arms kan beweeg nie. Al wikkel en kriewel jy hoe. Al probeer jy spartel. Die persoon se greep moet ferm en onwrikbaar wees. Soos die greep wat ons as mens op moeder natuur het. 

Verder moet die persoon nou sy of in die brawe mense se gevalle haar hand oor jou mond plaas. Op so manier dat hulle duim en voorvinger jou neus toe knyp. Jou mond smoor en jou laat smag na asem. Dit gaan nie help as sy of haar ferm greep speels gebreek kan word nie, wang ons gee Moedernatuur nie n spelerige kans nie. 

Die ander deel van sy haar hand moet jou mond ook by ferm en stewig toe gehou word. Die greep moet van so aard wees dat jy na asem smag, maar geen manier het om dit in te teug nie. Geen manier om los te worstel nie. Die doel van die oefening is om jou te versmoor. Die lewensgewende asem jou te ontneem. Jou van jou suurstof inasem te vervreem.

Hy of sy moet vasklou as jy begin spartel... Begin smag na asem. Jou kop moet sing.. jy moet swart neuwels voor jou begin sien. Jy moet verward nee bang nee magteloos voel hoe jy van jou lewe ontneem word. Jy moet vreesbevange wees die persoon gaan geen skiet gee nie. Daar moet n verwilderde wille hulp kreet in jou oë verskyn.

Hoekom sou jy braaf wees om iemand van die vroulike geslag te gebruik. Hoekom. Want n moeder is ongenaakbaar as dit kom by die veg vir die oorlewing van haar kinders. Sy sal enige iemand verbete veg wat haar kroos bedreig. Sy sal selfs to moord in staat wees om hulle veilig te hou.

Nou as die vroulike weergawe van mens eers besef dat die oefening die toekoms van haar kroos bepaal, mag sy dalk dit baie letterlik opneem om die boodskap aan jou oor te dra. 

Sonder n Estuarium kan geen wese op aarde asemhaal nie. Niks of niemand nie.

Dis hier waar die see en die revier ontmoet waar asem gebore word. Dis hier waar die enigste organisme wat koolsuurgas verwerk gekweek word. Dis hier waar lewe begin.

Eers as jy die waarde van asem verstaan sal jy jou plig teenoor die St Lucia sisteem besef.

Haal Asem sê jy. Ontspan sê jy. Wel hoe verwag jy moet Moedernatuur asemhaal as jy jou rug op haar draai. As jy elke hulp kreet ignoreer. As jy weier om jou greep op haar te laat skiet.

Dis hier waar jy moet besef... Ons lewe in haar doodsnikke.

Help moeder natuur om haarself te help. Teken die petisie en aanvaar dat ons nie Moedernatuur aan haar eie genadelose lot kan oorlaat nie. Dat ons nie kan bekostig om haar hulpkreet na asem kan en mag ignoreer nie.

Herstel St Lucia Veldtog
Petrus Viviers
081 342 7371

© Alle Regte Op Intellektuele Eienaarskap Voorbehou

Sunday, August 13, 2017

St Lucia Estuary - Current Conditions

Travel and Information Directory

- Mouth Not Open -
- Fish is on the Bite -

Let us face it. there is no way that one man can steal the splendour of our heritage. These beautiful Golden beaches was occupied by our ancestors for over 200 years now. Changing it into a money making racket will not diffuse our yearning to practice that what we are all well know for.  There is just one thing left to do. Let us enjoy the abundant spoils of our heritage and learn to live together in peace and harmony.

The one thing that is an upside of the destruction, "rehabilitation my arse", brought to us was the total collapse of the off shore prawn trawling Industry. Never before was such a large variety of fish caught from our beaches all year round. It is clear that the net trawling by catches can now grow into  record breaking monsters. We, the Rock and Surf anglers don't need to carry the blame by the likes of Barry Man and his band of merry men.

Photo on Available on Blog
The only thing that still boggels my mind is why can we not drive on the beaches. I mean that must really sit well with Mr Valli Moosa. He totally destroyed an economy and took the right of the "previously disadvantaged" away from the, to experience the great life style that whites had during the Apartheid years.

Yes I am referring to the use of Recreational 4x4 vehicles between the low water mark and the high water mark.

I mean look at the extensive "rehabilitation" or as I like to call it ... dam building process that UNESCO undertook to redirect the iMfolozi river. Let us be fair once again. At least the back pressure is such that the iMfolozi retains it's flow a lot longer and we can have drinking water a lot longer in our taps now that it does not run straight into the ocean any more.

So let us recap the destructive restoration process.
  • We now have a man made dam wall separating the ocean from the Estuary. 
  • That was allowed in a sensitive area where we never drove but the reason why we where banned. 
  • We don't have millions of prawns in the Estuary any more, but Bruce man can't blame the recreational angler any longer for something we could never achieved. 
  • We can't drive on our man made beach surface, but our catch size and verity has increased ten fold. 
  • We have water to drink and shower in, but we still concerned about the Estuary being open. 
The long and the short is the Estuary will not be functioning like we know it for at least one maybe two generations. This will have a catastrophic impact on Global Warming. Since there is nothing we can do to force UNESCO to return our functioning Estuary, we can only enjoy the spoils that derived from the management plan. 



- Dirk Nortje -
King Fish early August
Kobus Potgier
Garrick Early August
Photos remain the property of the photographer

Story Told by :
Petrus (Bierpens) Viviers
083 584 7473

hosted: Host Africa

created: For Africa 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

23 July 2017 - Estuary Current Condition

No Rehabilitation in Sight

Purely Man Made Manipulation

Photo by: Petrus Viviers
               083 584 7473
To claim that this is rehabilitation is total bullshit. It saddens me that UNESCO supports this lie. This is man made manipulation of the truth. Nothing Less Nothing More. It is believed that Mr Zaloumis is well spoken in the art of manipulation. One resident claims that Mr Zaloumis has disclosed to him that as long as you give people hope you can manipulate their support. Well since he is a self proclaimed Gun Runner off the ANC Regime it is clear that he is walking their walk and talking their talk. He also seems to be very good at it.

Well I never though that Conspiracy at this scale is possible, but neither can I believe that all this is a coincident. True it could be that the major role players in the Industry is oblivious to what they are part taking in or it could be that they stupid enough to be manipulated. Either way we have to be careful on who we give our public support to. 

Photo by: Petrus Viviers
               083 584 7473

Now I am not one vetting for public support, but it is clear some one has to state the facts regarding fishing and angling rights and environmental management and affairs. The final evidence that produced my Mr Richard Pen-sawyer on behalf of the state  that permanently closed our recreational use of 4x4 vehicles on the beach ... was a little crab that lived in the mud banks between the iMfolozi and St Lucia Estuary. Since the assistance of this little  crab is so insignificant to iSimangaliso Wetland Park and UNESCO I personally don't see any reasons to keep 4x4 Recreational users of the beaches any more.

Further this bull shit of Catch and Release as per World Best Practice needs to be addressed. The Recreational Fishing Industry is the fastest and biggest out door sport in the World. We are handing our rights to share in this Industry to By Catches on Huge Trawlers that indiscriminately over fish our coast lines or quotas allocated to them on biggest bribe biggest quota system. This has the result of the Recreational Rock and Surf angler that has to over compensate in allocated bag limits and over regulated fraternity.

Bruce Mann for one is totally biased towards over regulating the Recreational Rock and Surf Angler.  It may secure a well funded life style for him, but it is robbing a well balanced poor and under fed society all along the coastal regions. This has pulled the plug on many Domestic Tourism ventures around the country and with its most devastating impact on rural and remote destinations.

We must re think on who we give our public support to. Public perception plays a major role in decisions making. If we do not know what the facts are we should not get involved.

By Petrus (Bierpens) Viviers
      083 584 7473

Friday, March 03, 2017

Where has the water gone?

Public Perception

Managing The Truth

"Due to the nature of mass media the truth is irrelevant". - Captain Paul Watson

Well that is not quite as simple as that. Paul Watson has made a life out of managing public perception through emotional mass media statements. Yet nothing he does is relevant in saving the planet. Japan still kill whales. Some species of whales has become the rodents of the ocean and we are still very much emotional about Trophy Hunting.  Social popularity dictates that we have to be the Alpha Sheep to be acceptable. 

In order to save the Planet from greedy people and that includes Paul Watson, we have to embark on a fact finding mission. For many years a big concern was where does the water go. Well the answer is smoked screened in wind directions, evaporation and even tidal movements. So let us forget about all that. Let us focus on Mathematics. Something we can compute with out expensive computers to do the algorithms. 

To pump sediment from the beach we need to do it at a flow rate of 7 litres of water for every 1 kg of sand. Now that is easy to calculate how much water you need if you know how much sand you have to move. So the question begs it self to be asked. Why does one start with a water born sediment removal program in the begging of the winter (April 2016) in the height of a drought? The asthmatics is basic (Sediment Volume x 7 = Water Displacement).

Any way so the project was set at 11 years for completion. This was clearly not acceptable because in January 2017 mechanical equipment was brought in to move 96 000 cubes of sand. This is at the height of the Turtle Hatching Season.

Image may contain: sky, ocean, outdoor, nature and water
St Lucia Estuary Hatchlings
But it did not stop there ... a total of 19 dump trucks and some excavators and bull dossers was incorporated to complete the next phase of the rehabilitation plan. Today it seems that the excavators has run into some difficulty digging out the mud from the previous iMfolozi River Flood plain. Any farmer can tell you that mud is the seal of a dam. Now the Estuary is no dam. but something has to keep the water above sea level. Sine the current water table is 1.2 meter above mean sea level. 

Some more food for though will be coming this way soon.

   Petrus Viviers

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Moenie my kom Tos vertel nie

St Lucia Estuary

Mens Gemaakte Ekologiese Ramp 

Water Vlakke hoogste in lang ruk

Die eie ek ... mens mag mos niks in die dorp se nie dan word jy gekruisig. So lank die hoog heilige beskerm word. Ek is jammer niemand staan op en stap saam my die pad om verdere slagting te voorkom nie. Dus word dit nou my geveg. Wel ek het niks meer om te verloor nie. Aangesien die 'n Wêreld Erfenis gebied is kan ek in Hongkong gaan woon en nog steeds 'n mening hê. Die gesondheid en welstand van die gebied rus nie op 'n paar wanne bees se vermoeë om kak te praat nie. Ek het net soveel reg soos die volgende persoon.

St Lucia gaan gebuk onder droogte, maar die see het baie water. In 2000 was dit 'n mens gemaakte besluit om die mond toe te stoot. In 2007 was dit 'n mens gemaakte besluit om die mond toe te stoot. Die kanaal wat die Estuarium en die see verbind het in 2015 was 'n mens gemaakte kanaal en was nie volgens daai mens se voorgeskrewe bestuursplan, soos Dr Barry Clark aan ons voor gehou is in 2013, gegrou nie. Geen insette van MY kant af was aangehoor gedurende 2015 nie. Die aanloop van die ramp was voorspel. 

Deur die afsterwe van die See Lewe in die meer nou af te maak as n natuur ramp is kinderagtig en uiters onprofessioneel. As mense wat in beheer is ophou om Rekenaars Spelletjies met ons pragtige erfnis (As julle so wil ... my pragtige erfnis) te speel en bietjie meer op die strand kom sal hulle self kan sien hulle jaag kak aan en dan nie sluwe boelies huur om mense soos ek stil te maak nie.

Julle mors julle tyd en julle geld om te dink ek gaan ophou om julle aan die publiek uit te lewer. Daar is net een manier hoe die ding uitspeel. Gee die hengelaar sy reg wat hom toekom en hou op kak praat in n poging om die meer dood te maak....

Lionel Pretorius Net so in Zululand. Hluhluwe dam 19% vol. Lake St Lucia "world wetlands heritage site" vat 180 000 vierkante water en 30% vol alle selewe so te se uitgesterf. Ons bid vir oorvloed reen deur die land. Amen
Reply11 minsEdited

As jy jou gewete wil sus Lionel sal jy baie meer moet bid my vriend of begin die waarheid praat. Ek is nie dom nie. Ek gaan nie weg gaan nie. Die stryd vir die werkende Estuarium gaan nie ophou nie.  Hoe langer julle met julle mens gemaakte leuens aanhou hoe verder gaan die park in anargie verval .... Dis n onvermydelike politieke uitkoms. Dit word Demokrasie genoem. Ek skryf nie die toedrag van sake en die uitkoms nie. Ek lig net die feite uit vir die mense wat voor gelieg word.


         Petrus Viviers

Friday, February 03, 2017

Beware of overselling iSimangaliso - False Advertising

iSimangaliso Wetlands Park

The Status has changed in 2012

To Claim the 1999 World Heritage Facts is False 

Today is 03 February 2017. Back in 2012 the health status has officially changed from pristine marine ecosystem to Class E Estuarine, basically a mud bath. Lodge Owners, Advertisers and Tour operators can no longer offer the health status at time of World Heritage Proclamation as the point of reference in their marketing. People want to get their money worths. For domestic tourist it means a whole year of saving. For the International Tourist it mostly mean a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

Many people are deeply disappointed that they can no longer drink a sundowner on the beaches like way back then. Unfortunately it does not stop there. Back in 2012 The Scientist employed by Andrew Zaloumis has admitted to the degradation of the system healt. In 2015 a total collapse incurred when the Estuary dried up completely due to a sudden wind direction change. The Total Aquatic Marine Biomass was lost. Currently The St Lucia system no longer presents the functioning of an Estuary.

With this came a decline in the biomass off bird species that frequent the Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park. (iSimangaliso Wetlands Park). The road infrastructure and hides has impacted negatively on the sense of space. Prior to World Heritage Status you arrived at a mystical point. It was more about the journey than the destination. Today everything is so clinical First World Development. nothing is majestic or mythical any more. You see your destination a mile away and you drive on tar roads and cement highways to get there.

So people just a word of caution. Please inform you clients
  1. Reduced Parking Spaces
  2. No more Sundowners
  3. No more Marine Biomass
  4. Reduced Bird Biomass
  5. Non Functioning Estuary
  6. Random Mission Rocks Access Closure
  7. Elephant Road Blocks costing R500.00/vehicle
  8. Men in Camo Uniform searching private vehicles
The list may be longer. This is the key futures the public express their concern about.

    Petrus Viviers

Thursday, January 12, 2017

We have reached Insanity - Bierpens vs Zaloumis

iSimangaliso Wetlands Park

Andrew Zaloumis

St Lucia Estuary Drought

The Price of Greed

This is the lies abuse and bully tactics we, the public, has to endure in a effort to safe our beautiful pristine Greater St Lucia Wetlands System. Today my blood is boiling because very powerful people keep on putting me down ... I wanted to tell my story to a Court of Law, but Andrew is to yellow bellied to take me on a third time. Clearly he now knows what I am up to ... So by the power vested in me I will expose him and Mike Bower for defrauding the public from their rightful inheritance and rights to this World Heritage Site.

Mike Bouwer It's spelled save.......... UNESCO is the body who declared it a World Heritage Site and use it worldwide as an example of sustainable management which includes local communities, so sending a petition to them when it is them who audit the Park seems a bit odd. It's also The iSimangaliso Wetland Park, not the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park. It was renamed when it became the first World Heritage Site in South Africa and was signed into law by Nelson Mandela. "Nature at it's best. Untouched." hmmmm...Except for 19 disparate parcels of land under land claims, 18,000 ha of gum plantations, destroyed wetlands bisected with forestry roads and levies, the legacy of a failed dredging attempt with an estuary mouth hardened with concrete, the threat of mining and cattle herding on the eastern and western shores, and thousands of hectares of alien plants. Oh, and, no buffalo, elephant, lion, wild dog, or cheetah. No coherent road system, no formalized day visitor sites, no water for animals during drought conditions, no thriving tour boat industry, no thriving game drives or turtle tours, no increase of 4,000 related jobs. And so on........ So I guess you are right! It is safe! Thank you for pointing that out to us!

Firstly Mike employing security companies to take over jobs is not job creation. It is purely employing someone out of the region that was done by people from within the region. So how many jobs did you guys really create and how many was merely replaced and how many was destroyed?

But let us get down to the facts at hand because this will end here even if it does not end well.

Killing For Money

 Estuarine ecologist Nicky Forbes holds up the remains of a barracuda found on the bed of the St Lucia estuary this week. Picture: Amanda Watson
Estuarine ecologist Nicky Forbes holds up the remains of a barracuda found on the bed of the St Lucia estuary this week. Picture: Amanda Watson

From the article  -
(Ero 7 500 000.00)
As the carcasses of fish and shells show, little survives these conditions. iSimangiliso Wetland Park CEO Andrew Zaloumis said an initial spend of R10 million – courtesy of grant money from the Global Environmental Facility and the World Bank – will see nearly 100 000 cubic metres of nearly 65 years’ worth of dredging, dumped into the estuary to close off the feed from the uMfolozi, reduced to slurry and pumped back into the ocean by Cyclone Engineering Projects.
After the initial work, there’s another R20 million to continue if the progress is good and the work done to specifications, Zaloumis says. It is key to remember the St Lucia estuarine system bed is below sea level, which means once opened, the uMfolozi River will continue to obey physics by flowing from a high point to a low point.
Good news from the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority is that the World Bank has invested additional funds to restore Africa’s largest estuarine lake.
Last week, the authority signed two new contracts, valued at R23.41 million each, with T&T Marine (Pty) Ltd and Scribante Africa Mining (Pty) Ltd. Both contracts will run until the end of June and are for the loading, hauling, tipping and disposal of material obstructing the natural flow of the uMfolozi River in the mouth area of the Lake St Lucia Estuary.
“This brings the total value of iSimangaliso’s Lake St Lucia restoration project to R62 million,” said iSimangaliso Business Director Terri Castis.
This is on top of the 1999 US$9 500 000.00 for the same project. Just to point out. Andrew instructed the manual closure of St Lucia Estuary mouth in 2000 and 2007. This after it has natuary breached. Bull shit baffels brains they say. How stupid can any individual be to prey on my Dyslexia and cheer this death and destruction ...

The Futuristic Park
Automated Gates - Automation is job creation?
Engineered Bridges - Keeping Nature intact?


We all grew up next to a functioning Estuary and know what life was flourishing in the system. How vibrant the shallow waters were at dusk and dawn. We remember the lovely open space that we could all enjoy. Nature at it's best.…

St Lucia Experience

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