Monday, November 02, 2015

Alcohol Control Points

St Lucia Estuary

Sadly about a year ago The Park Authority started implementing Alcohol control Points during School Holidays to St Lucia Beaches.

This raises some Questions.

Why is there no control on year end functions.

Why is Alcohol Sold at Cape Vidal Shop

How can a Private Security Company been given powers over riding my Constitutional Rights

Why is certain user Groups Privileged and others discriminated against.

The Wetland Park Authority has a clear agenda to Discriminate Against Recreational Anglers.

We demand some goodwill from The Park Authorities.

Petrus Viviers
BBM Pin:2B844CDD7
WhatsApp: +27 835847473
Phone Cell:+ 27 813427371
Twitter: @PetrusViv

BBM Pin:2B84CDD7
Cell: 0813427371

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