Sunday, November 01, 2015

Hunting Dogs in River Bed

01 November 2015
Imfolozi River
Current Conditions

With my drive by this morning me and Pardette encountered some distant relatives of her in the river bed.

This was an exceptional large pack of Africanus Hunting Dogs still used by Local Zulu Tribes to scavenge the lands in a quest for substance living.

African Hunting Dogs is deep rooted in The Zulu Culture. Pardette is a direct X Breed descendant from this great linage. A very loyal and Family Friendly Dog.

Rapidly becoming part of Western House Hold with LOADS of affection.

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Even with the recent Localized rain the water table in The River did not raise much. We are great full for ever drop we get.

Recently Thousands of Bore Holes was drilled/dug/escavated using very crude manual labor extracting upto 3000 liter of surface water per hour from each of them.

This is the very first and irrevocable step towards Desertification.

Well Established Coastal Dune and Riverine Forests are no robbed of a very precious live giving liquid.

Sadly The Failure of The ANC is felt on many levels and has changed the survival rating of rural South Africa to below the recuperating Thrash Hold of sustain ability.

Failing our Children in so many ways.

Petrus Viviers
BBM Pin:2B844CDD7
WhatsApp: +27 835847473
Phone Cell:+ 27 813427371
Twitter: @PetrusViv
BBM Pin:2B84CDD7
Cell: 0813427371

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