Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Umhulungu - White Foam of The Ocean

03 November 2015

When at first The uMuntu of South Africa called the White Sea Fairer uMhulungu it was very racial, but when one looks at the meaning one realize that this white foam is the life line of the planet.

What you see in this photo is zoo plankton having sex. That is the sticky foam that creates sand dunes, carbonated sand stone rocks and is the food source for all marine creaters of the 7 seas.

This is the Birth of all mollusk, invertebry and many small other species including Blue Bottles and Jelly Fish.

This Foam needs to be washed into a prestine Estuary and stick to the Mangrove roots to hatch and populate the ocean.

As Long as The iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority hides behind excuses this very important life cycle can not be completed and we steal another generation from the heritage of our children.

Scientis has found that the total Bio Mass of Plankton is the biggest single inhibitor of Green House Cases produced by mankind.

So the next time Julius Malema calls for Industrialization of South Africa let this single photo remind him who brought this knowladge to his disposal and what is going to counter balance the impact on Greenhouse gases.

Before his plan to save the poor can move forward he needs to get the mechanisms in place that will save his "kingdom" from himself.

With out a functional Estuaries like St Lucia, Kosi Bay and Richards Bay he will turn South Africa into a desert in a time frame less than his own lifetime.

Petrus Viviers
BBM Pin:2B844CDD7
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Twitter: @PetrusViv
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