Sunday, November 08, 2015

Estuary Mouth Maintenance

These pictures where taken before 1984, The Year of The Great Flood.

There was a massive machine digging a "Sand Pit" to catch the sediment that entered the Estuary. The Estuary was healthy with millions of Shad coming in, not feeding, just to breed.

The Salmon Hole in front of Honey Moon Bend was over 11 meters deep. The oyster banks on The Island was alive. Crayfish was living against the rock face of the Island and the man Made Sandbag Wall.

Life was good for Spawning Fish and Dusky Kob was in abundance. The Bag Limit was 10 and the minimum size 400mm. People came down in their hordes to enjoy recreational fishing.

The Flamingo count was anything between 50000 and 76000 per year.

Bird Specie count was set at 530 just for The Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park Alone. The cry off The African Fish Eagle was so synonymous to St Lucia that Vinyl Records was made from them.

Hippos Migrated up and down the system to give birth and keep young Bull Calves away from dominant Bulls.

The Marsh behind the dunes was so healthy it supplied the town with water.
Oxy Eyed Tarpon made it one of the only two Breeding Habitats in The World.

St Lucia was one of the first signatory to RAMSAR. a Wetlands Of National Importance. Today it can't support a Healthy Dusky Kob population. Grunters is dying of in the nurseries and Flamingos are limited to a flock scavanging on the beaches.

When Last did you experience The Call of an African Fish Eagle?

a Mere 15 years of World Heritage Site Status.

Petrus Viviers
BBM Pin:2B844CDD7
WhatsApp: +27 835847473
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Twitter: @PetrusViv
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