Saturday, March 03, 2012

No more a cyclone but a Tropical Storm with heavy rain they say.

No more a cyclone but a Tropical Storm with heavy rain they say.

The forecast for 1400SAST on Saturday, 3 March 2012 is that the centre of the system will be situated just south of Inhambane (24.9S and 35.6E), gaining intensity to become a severe
tropical storm. Areas most likely to be affected will be Mozambique’s south-coastal and
neighbouring areas, e.g. Xai-Xai and Maputo, Swaziland, the north-eastern parts of KwaZulu- Natal, including Richards Bay (Umkhanyakude municipality) and Zululand Nongoma, Ulundi, UPhogolo (Pongola) municipalities).

The Mpumalanga lowveld is expected to receive heavy rain, brought about by the outskirts of
the system from Saturday afternoon, moving into Sunday.
The public is cautioned that all affected areas could experience possible flooding.
These conditions are expected to persist until Tuesday, 6 March 2012.

What common-sense precautions should I take?
Avoid crossing strongly-flowing / flooded rivers at causeways or drifts (this advice is
equally valid for pedestrians as well as motorists).
Dwellings very close to rivers or within floodplains should be evacuated timeously
(Farmers would be best advised to move river water 
pumps to higher ground).
Small to medium sized boats and fishing craft (operating along the coastline mentioned above) should return to port timeously.
Small fishing boats should be moved well above the normal high-water mark and firmly secured, as storm surge can be expected to raise local sea-levels by as much as 15 to 18 feet (3 to 6 m), particularly on the southern (poleward) side of the tropical storm.
The South African Weather Service will keep the public informed on any further developments.

Issued by: South African Weather Service (SAWS)
For technical weather-related enquiries contact:
For technical enquiries contact:
National Forecasting Center
Tel: 082 233 9800


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