Friday, March 02, 2012

A big storm is coming and severe weather...

A big storm is coming and                                           severe weather...
Petrus Viviers 9:48am Mar 2
A big storm is coming and severe weather conditions is predicted for Zululand areas. St Lucia as a few weaknesses.

Water Supply:
As long as the iMfolozi is in flood water cannot be produced. This can stop for up to 5 days at any given time.
Suggestion to stock up on drinking water for 3 days is a valid consideration.

One broken power line can have a black out for 1 day. Blown transformer up to 3 days depending on stock available in PMB.
Suggestion: Candles, Gas Lamps and Storm Lanterns for at least 3 days

Road access:
This is not major concern but in 1984 St Lucia was cut of from Mtubatuba for 3 days and Mtubatuba from the rest of the World for a little more. Back in those days 121 was still a functional air strip and Military base. Today this is questionable if food and supplies can be flown in via this base.
Suggestion: At least three days of meel, tin food and pastas should be on hand for all people under your roof during days following the storm.

Back then we did not have such a well stock Chemist. So this is no major concern.
Suggestion: Make sure you have your prescription medication that might run out before Wednesday. Get some extra antihestamine, some thing for tummy, vomiting and normal pain and fever medication. It is cheap but you should have it in your on site medical bag any way.

Other than this I am sure that our modern life style can survive a CAT1 Cyclone comfortably.

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