Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Dune Mining Is Coming - What To

Dune mining is a reality of modern day life. South Africans are still very emotionally connected to conservation. The rest of the World view progress as the need to improve the quality of human life. Personally I am concerned about habitat functionality and health. Humans has a impact on it. We need to use our minds and technology to manage our impact.

In the case of St Lucia Estuary and Lake System we need to manage the sediment. As humans we generate this sediment. We cannot pray it away. We cannot wish it away. We have a responsibility to manage this sediment. The old school thought of manipulation through financial resources has come to an end back in 1994 already. Colonialism met it's demise even earlier.

The reason why it is easy for mining companies to have their way with us i because we are not thinkers. We have a mentality of entitled ownership. Problem is the Greater St Location Wetlands Park's owner ship is sill disputed. Only when all parties/user groups needs are met will this struggle make way for Management for the benefit of the Environment.

By Petrus Viviers 081 342 7371

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