Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Real Life Hero - R.I.P Uncle D

Rest In Peace
Real Life Hero
Uncle D

Uncle D was a Firefighter. Got seriously injured on duty many years ago and suffered the pain and agony with a smile in his remaining years.

I met him as a friend through a very close fishing buddy. It was his Dad, but Uncle D was one of us from the start. He never had old people's syndrome. Always willing to teach through questions and answers. Always had a magnitude of knowledge to share.

Many people pass over. This month alone I lost two mentors. Both hit me hard because as the previous mentor he passed while in What's App Conversation with me at the time.

Uncle D was still exclaiming his last wish to see the ocean. He was very passionate about conservation and fishing. He was disappointed in the National Beach Driving Ban and the effect it had on old and people with limited mobility.

The very conversation he never replied to was about his wish the#BeachBanMustFall. I was awaiting his answer... But nothing... Then within the same 30 minutes my phone rang. It was Donovan... His dad has passed.

Uncle D my your eternal life filled with lovely sunrises and long walks on the beach. May the soothing sound of breaking waves be your companion in the hereafter.

In real life Uncle D was a Hero. In his retirement he was an angel to many. God needed him on an important mission elsewhere.

We will miss you Uncle D...

For Africa
083 584 7473

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