Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Zouloumis Reflecting on 15 Years

#iSimangalisoMustFall :
The Natal Mercury
20 January 2016

Front Page and Page 4.
Dear Mr Zouloumis,

or is it Doctor by now.

Any way please refrain from bully tactics on the farmers. You know the removal of the sediment you referring to will not restore the functionality of the 36000 hectares which looks more like 6000 hectares at the moment.

The iMfolozi River will just dump that sediment right back in less than 5 years. The farmers has been living with nature for more than 80 years. You have done nothing in 15 years and in the that time the iMfolozi has deposit it silt all the way past Narrows cementing in Ohlango Reeds.

Please be frank with the public and spell out to them that The St Lucia Estuary has not functioned in 15 years and it will not function for 14 more. Is that about your retirement goal? 14 Years from now?

What legacy are you leaving behind. The man that turned Nature into a Developed Beach Front.

I don't think the South African Ecology can stand loosing much more Estuary function. Estuaries is the most important life support system on Earth.

Up until 15 December 1999 the Estuary was functioning great. Now it is absent of Mangrove swamps, Tidal Interaction and the splendor that got it World Heritage Status.

Why can't we accept the fact the sediment deposits are man made and needs a man made solution?

Why can't we accept the fact that one cannot reach hyper saline conditions in the absences of water?

Why don't you play ball with the public. It is after all our Heritage Site not yours?


Petrus Viviers
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