Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Fence of Death

St Lucia Estuary
The Humming Fence of Death
iSimangaliso Wetlands Park
World Heritage Site
03 February 2015

This is the most controversial emotional personal struggle I have to date on the World Heritage Site status.

It is now 15 years since proclamation and I fear the scars made by man for the sake of this status is like body art. It is addictive, becomes more and more every day and runs wider and wider into a pristine system.

Some call it progress. I call it savage mutilation. Like a person cutting him/her self to alleviate pain.

This morning driving from the main beach back towards Cape Vidal Gate my eye caught spoor of some specie of buck. Since I am rusted in tracking I can deduct it to be anything from Warthog, Red Duiker or Bush Buck.

The animal tracked the fence sevral times from The Main Beach all the way up to iPhiva Camp several times during the early hours of the morning just after the rain storm.

The frequency of its pace must have been vigorous since the rain stopped just after 03:00 and sunrise was at about 04:50.

The photo's is proof of an animal desperate to complete a 100 + year old migrating route.

As seen by:
Petrus Viviers
BBM: Pin:2B84CDD7
email: petrusviv.bbm@gmail.com
whats app : 0835847473
BBM Pin:2B84CDD7
Cell: 0813427371

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