Sunday, August 17, 2014

St Lucia Land Marks Demolished one at a time

This use to be The Natal Parks Board Bait House. The current structures of managing the Recreational Angler stake in the market fails to tap into this market share of Domestic Tourism.

To understand the impact on the economy one has to understand that Ipiva Campsite has 172 Camp Sites and since 2001 ban on Recreational Beach Driving comprises a total bed lost of over a 1000 bed nights for at least a 100 days per year. This adds to 100 000 Bed nights over a year just calculated for school holidays.

The total collapse did not stop with Domestic Tourist market collapsing it also impacted on The Budget Tourist market when Zululand lost the services of three budget buss routes of which The Bazz Bus was the most we'll known of the three.

If you look at all the new Lodges that popped up like mushrooms it has no bearing on the Bed Nights that was lost. Most Lodges has between 4 and 7 Rooms. Under the Town Planning Scheme certain zoned properties could apply for Guest House Special Consent Zoning.

St Lucia now has 83 Establishments Listed that is an increase with a mere 20 new Lodges of which many is build on Residentially Zoned Property. These Luxury Lodges came with Air Conditioning that taxed the Power Grid to its Maximum.

Pelican use to have 92 Beds and was replaced with AmaZulu Lodge with only 40 Beds. Will O Rene was totally demolished sacrificing another 105 Beds.

So the bed nights lost telly keeps rising and with the influx of the Three, Four and Five Star Tourist came very little impact on the street vendor and rural art stall owners. No Foreigner can export any Bio Mass Art Back Home. No wooden Carvings, No Grass Matts, No Pottery.

This had a devastating blow on The previously Subsistence Farmers Share of the Economy. The Disposable Income of The Domestic Tourist was lost and the Foreign Tourist buys their package deals back home with inbound Tour Operators and only the minimum Cash enters the Country in exchange for the dramatic decline in Cash Flow into the area.

Who ever wrote The Lebombo Spacial Development Initiative did not have the interest of local traders at heart. They where screwed over with this vision.

By Petrus Viviers
081 342 7371
BBM Pin:2B84CDD7
Cell: 0813427371

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