Sunday, May 18, 2014

Why Turn St Lucia into another Marina Martinique

iSimangaliso Wetlands Park South Africa

With all my recent writing about St Lucia Estuary I have done a lot of soul searching and reading about the importance of Estuaries as Marine Nurseries.

The more I read the scarier the scenario has become. It is clear with the manipulation of the past 15 years of St Lucia Estuary and the occasional feeding of ocean water into the system it is clear that the path of least resistance will be followed and with the driving power of money behind the science we can see that monitoring and maneging nature has become a norm in line with so called World Best Practice.

Sadly it seems that we have lost a pristine Eco system to the prestige of World Heritage Status. The thousands of hectares that could provide sustainable protein to the traditional owners are no being turned into a land locked marine system in the likes of Marina Martinique.

This transformation will have a huge impact on more than 800km of coast line exposed migrating species.

What will become of the Heritage of our children if we do not oppose this now.

Petrus Viviers
BBM Pin:2B84CDD7

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