Sunday, May 11, 2014

Death of an Eco System

St Lucia Estuary: Looking at the tree line of Mangrove's one can see the distinctive discoloration of death. North and South of The St Lucia Bridge on The Western Shores Mangrove Forest's are dying. Yet more and more Donations are given to manage the Estuary Mouth. Why??

Mangrove Forest has many function. One of these functions is sediment traps during tidal movement. When high tide pushes into the aerial routes the sediment is carried with the tide. As the tide turns it settles just before it starts draining back to the ocean.

Amongst the Mangrove swamps during neap tide, the small Frey of fish will seek refuge against predictors. Also amongst the swamp roots is the ever present fiddler crabs and Mangrove Welk's.

All this can only survive with tidal movement through an open Estuary mouth. Lost of these established Mangrove Swamps will be devastating since they are over run with Marsh Hibiscus. Once March Hibiscus has established they are backed with Acia Thorn Trees.

Another habitat lost for ever.

Petrus Viviers
BBM Pin:2B84CDD7

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