Sunday, July 15, 2012

Responsibilities of a World Heritage Site Resident

To live in or adjacent to a World Heritage Site has certain responsibilities. Claiming you are living in a World Heritage Site does not vocalise your voice. Accepting your responsibilities does. 

A World Heritage Site is manage according UNESCO Law signed by the South African Government. It is a residents obligation to see that the Authority abide by this Law and to see that all facets of this Law is implemented correctly and to the best interest of the residents, neighbours and visitors.

To do this a resident must know the World Heritage Act ... and the following ...

What is sustainable development.
What is sustainable utilization.
What is an Integrated Management Plan 
What is a Coastal Management Plan
What is Public participation 
What is user Rights
What is fair usage 
What is Rehabilitated usage
What is "GVE"
How to understand migratory routes and influences of animals

Failing to to under stand this a resident will not be able to have a active part in public participation meetings. Failing to take part in public participation meetings fails the World Heritage Community and your responsibility to live in one. 

You are now merely a squatter in this community and have NO right to voice your opinion or enforce your right to free will. 


1 comment:

  1. This is a big issue that needs serious attention from the world at large. Unfortunately the residents of St. Lucia are complaining of negative publicity, so nothing is being done to fix the problem.

    Well we will just need to give them so much negative publicity that they realise the problem will not go away unless they fix it them selves, then give them the tools to do the work and get back into the real world of leisure tourism for all, not only for INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS but for everybody including our good friend AZ's "VISITORS"


St Lucia Experience

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