Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Aerial photo St Lucia

St. Lucia.
aerial photo
 Kyk na die invloei van die rivier. Hulle het dit verander deur die rivier se vloei metn bulldozer toe te stoot. Voorheen was die rivier se vloei in die meer in van lings na regs agter die sand bank. Nou vloei miljoene liters vars water van die rivier uit in die see. 
 The flow of the Umfolozi river was change so it cannot flow into the St. Lucia  estuary. The river was behind the sand dune before  they change the flow of the river. Now millions of liters fresh water is running into the sea. See photo.

Another question that came through is:
Fencing of entire park
230km / R120m = R521739.13  per/km

Where do the people come up with these figures .... ???


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    is this a recent photo?

  2. i am really appreciating,woow very informative.....great job thank's...! Old Aerial photos


St Lucia Experience

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