Thursday, October 21, 2010

St Lucia Yesterday, Today and Tomorow

As I stood talking to two of the local residents whom have ocupied the town like forever it became evedent that things will never be the same again, but then our generation would clearly not survive St Lucia of yester year.

We are the fast food generation, the parents of the thumb tribe... Ironacaly this entry is done on a E63 punching away at micro keypad at five words a minute and no spell checker to help.

St. Lucia has develeop into a world class Tourist destination and is one of the only towns surrounded by a Game Park. As one of the permenant residance, Johan owmer of the boat Harlekyn, once said on a TV interview. 'St Lucia is the only place in the world where a Hippo and a dog can talk to each other.'

As this is to true since many video has been made and landed on Youtube about the free roaming Hippo. Small Red Duiker are ever present and the sad call off the Trumpeter Hornbill as your wake up call.

Today I am sure was a spring day since the migrating Swallows has arrived some time this week from Europe. They are still very vocal as nesting arrangements are sorted. Some how people frown if one dare claim that Spring sprung late this year.

Tomorrow people will be embarking on fishing trips, Whale watching and snorkeling. Some will even go on an Estuary Cruise and others will walk around town or feasting in one off the many Restaurants.

What ever yor Holiday plans are make sure that it includes a trip up or down the coast and popin for a soal refreshing stay.

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