Saturday, September 18, 2010

Advantage News 18 September 2010


WHALE WATCHING sightings has again been very special this season with daily guaranteed sightings of HUMPBACK Whales, extras sightings including large schools of dolphins every other day, flying fish which still catches everybody's imagination ( imagine seeing this little fish jumping out of the water next to the vessel, and then for the next 800m's having this 'fish' 'fly' next to the boat with those see-through wings - nobody that haven't
seen a flying fish before will be able to understand...,very few people have ever been able to actually photograph this little creature...

We have also spotted some Leatherback Turtles next to the boat, a sign that the turtles are back on their way to come and lay their eggs on our beaches between the months of November to February.

A week ago an extra sighting of a great white shark was also extraordinary special.

And then off course it was a heart sore day when the baby HUMPBACK whale washed up on the beach and eventually had to be shot, there has been a couple of dead whales washing up along the coastline as every other year. Only thing that can be done is to take a skin sample, send it off to Marine and Coastal Management who can then determine the cause of death.

There have been the odd 'bad-wind' days in-between, where we have had to cancel trips, but otherwise overall good ocean conditions and good

WHALE WATCHING season lasts until the 1st week of December, after which we will start a daily 07h00 - 10h00 Dolphin/Marine Mammal Ocean Adventure trip to enjoy those 2hours on the ocean, see the highest dunes at Mapelane and a drive past the Jolly Rubino Shipwreck.

HIPPO / CROC trips aboard the ADVANTAGE CRUISER same as always, a must-to-do, and this week again the great extra bonus of the leopard walking along the banks of the estuary.
NEW little hippo calves are also born quite regularly, and ooh's and aah's from the customers onboard.
Always to bring along a camera for those special sightings!

Keep on sending your clientele for these trips that bring memories that last a lifetime!

Fond Regards for now
Riette on behalf of Advantage Whale and Hippo trips
035 5901259 (office)
083 487 2762 (after hour's cell nr)
035 5901053 (fax)

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