Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Warning to Visitors over the Festive Season

December 21, 2009;

 NEWS ITEM No: 2009 - 12 - 21  

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW) appeals to all visitors to the many protected areas under its management to take care of themselves and their loved ones during the festive season holidays.
Visitors to the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park are reminded that they need to fill in the hiking and rescue registers if they are going out on any walk or overnight hike in the Park.
The registers are available at all EKZNW reception offices in the Park and provide critically important information for search and rescue teams in cases of emergency.
It is essential to complete these registers legibly and as accurately as possible because this information could save lives.
Visitors are reminded that the weather in the Drakensberg can change very rapidly and they should equip themselves accordingly.
Visitors to EKZNW coastal parks should pay particular attention to local conditions of surf, current and estuary flow, and should preferably get local advice on prevailing conditions.
Visitors to the iSimangaliso Wetland Park are also reminded that almost all water bodies within the Park are potentially inhabited by crocodiles and visitors should keep well clear of the water’s edge and under no circumstances wade or allow their children to paddle or play in or near any pools, vleis, pans, estuaries or lakes.
The St Lucia Estuary at the town of St Lucia requires particular vigilance as there are many large crocodiles that can be regularly seen basking on the sand and mudbanks in the estuary.
Crocodiles are also present in the Umalalazi River where it flows through the Umlalazi Nature Reserve near the town of Mtunzini.
Visitors are also reminded that while wildlife is often seen amongst the chalets and campsites in the protected areas, these animals are not tame and members of the public should not try to touch them or feed them.
 AJG/ News Item No: 2009 - 12 - 21 
For further information contact the Media Manager on 033 845 1235; email jeff@kznwildlife.com or fax 033 845 1299.

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