Saturday, November 28, 2009

Trademarking a Tourism region

How does the trademarking of a Tourism Region affect you?

Have you expensive printed marketing material that cost you a fortune
for design and printing. Do you run a Tourism Business with in the
region. Do you run a marketing campaign with in the tourism region. What
services do you supply relating to Tourism. As a supplier of Tourism
products you need to be affiliated to an association that represent such
a region. But if your product is of service to general public and does
not constitute to a tourism product what is the implications to you in
such a case.

It will be advisable to see what your local tourism office has to say
before you land into legal hot water for merely trading as you have for
more than six years.

THIS IS AN IMPORTANT Notice!! your tourism region might have been trade
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  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The True facts:
    1. A domain dispute was lodged due to the use of as a site just leading to another, thus robbing the broader Elephant Coast community from the benefit of their region's name.
    2. We actually encourage the use of the name Elephant Coast, as it hightens awareness and establishes the region as a top of mind area.
    3. The Logo and certain caricatures were trademarked, just as Coke and Microsoft did with theirs and these are free to use for our members within certain guidelines
    4. Any business can join ECTA - we have security companies, a printing business etc. as current members.

    Please feel free to contact ECTA should you require further factual information

    Danie Smit
    Chairman ECTA

  2. Thanks for the comment ... This alone is not the true facts Mr. Smit. Please stick to the facts at hand when you dare to address the public.
    At time of your dispute the domain was not forwarded to another. Because of the so called dispute the domain was rerouted to another domain until the domain owner could contact his lawyer. From this comment I take you are not aware of the legal facts that are playing out as such.

    Domain Owner
    Petrus Viviers
    083 584 7473

  3. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Dear Mr Viviers,

    I have given instructions that we should consolidate all websites leading to and relating to our region as there is a myriad of sites that hardly contribute to building a brand and a region as a destination (as opposed to individual marketing)

    I am not too au fait with legal terms etc.(or computers and websites for that matter), but the intentions of actions is to consolidate and get a more cohesive effort of branding and marketing using the resources of the web, as it is the biggest marketing and branding tool available.

    In your aggresive and defensive tone i can see that it must have hit a nerve - I also see you own the websites stlucia and isimangaliso and I am sure your aims with all these websites are purely philantropic and to the greater good of the area you are in - I salute you for that and I am sure that the entities whose names you own also appreciate the fact that an individual had the foresight to secure and register the names for the benefit of all and not an exclusive group.

    The route I would have followed was to ask how we can work together to promote and improve the region, but then again i should not be surprised at the rsponses I am getting from various (yes, it is not only yourself who have a site that represents the region) domain owners, as it is something that we as outh Africans can do so well - complain about things, but refuse to help and change it.

    Another fact - there is no legal battle yet, only a letter informing you of our view and stand, but unfortunately it seems that you have made up your mind.

    I thank you for keeping the interests of Elephant Coast as the most important objective and noit clouding your judgement with personal interests. i do not wish to gight and attack, as it is destructive, but have to respond to the plethora of bloggs etc. that refers to this (although with the lack of response from anybody, I should not really be concerned)

    Danie Smit

  4. Oh ... I won this case ... then relinquished my rights to this domain ...


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