Sunday, September 28, 2008

Water project splashes out


September 26, 2008



Water project splashes out

Tanya Waterworth

DONDOTHA community members danced with joy when taps were turned on for the first time following the official commissioning of a multi-million rand bulk pipeline project undertaken by uThungulu District Municipality in Mbonambi Municipality.
Following months of anticipation, the taps were opened on the R11-million water project, which will benefit close to 130 000 people, at an average of eight people per 15 874 households.
This 12km, 450mm diameter bulk pipeline will serve as a main artery leading from the Nseleni Water Works all the way to the Nomavovo area, which in effect means the pipeline will provide capacity for water to flow into Mbonambi and further to Ntambanana.
Speaking at the launch held at Dondotha Community Hall, uThungulu District Mayor, Stan Larkan, said it was indeed a cause for celebration as this was one of the major projects on the district's budget.
'This project has been a long journey for us and I wish to thank our community and the Mbonambi Municipality for their patience and support, as well as our councillors and officials for their untiring efforts to get this project running,' said Larkan.
The Upper Nseleni Project did experience some problems, resulting in a delay in the delivery of water to the community, which according to the uThungulu technical team, was with regard to ensuring that the water supply was clean.
'We want to make sure that if we provide service delivery to the community, it must be of the best quality,' said Executive Director Technical Services, Zwe Msomi.
'The reason for the delay at Dondotha and Pathane was because the pipes had to be cleaned first to avoid health hazards,' he added.
Msomi further assured the Mbonambi community that by November, all areas around Dondotha would have access to water with the Sabhuza Reservoir open and about 470 taps working.
GB Bhengu, a member of the KZN Legislature, said it was 'unfortunate' that since 1994, communities from Dondotha and Nseleni were still facing problems of access to clean water and good toilets.
'These are not the only areas affected, but many rural communities across KZN are still affected. About 61% of rural communities still do not have clean water and good toilets,' he said.



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