Saturday, August 09, 2008


August 8, 2008




Brave girls save dad's life

Geffert Pretorius and his two daughters, Inge (9) and Daniƫlle (11)

Dalena van Jaarsveld

TWO young girls saved their father's life on Tuesday morning when they threw stones at his attacker.
Geffert Pretorius (43), owner of a game lodge 10km south of Mkuze in northern Zululand, said he was on his way to take his children to school when he stopped to help a man parked next to the dirt road on the game farm.
'He said he was having trouble with his hand brake, so I left my children in the car to see what was going on.
'As soon as I bent down into his car, he hit me on the head from behind, pulled me out of the car and attacked me.'
Pretorius says his two daughters, aged nine and eleven, jumped out of the car and started screaming and throwing rocks at the attacker, diverting his attention and giving Pretorius the chance to get the upper hand.
When Pretorius instructed his children to run home, the attacker allegedly pulled out a pistol.
At this stage, one of the guests on the farm, Komarin Moodley, who was approaching from the direction of the game lodge, noticed what was going on and attempted to stop the struggle by driving at the two men as if to drive into them.
The attacker fled, taking Pretorius' car keys.
Pretorius describes the man as being tall (approximately six feet) and estimates him at 120kg, with light brown to blond shortly shaven hair.
He said that the man was driving a new, small Mercedes of a silver or white colour.
'I have lived on this farm all my life and we have always felt safe - until now,' said a traumatised Pretorius, whose wife was recently diagnosed with cerebral cancer.
'We only have God to thank that I am still alive.'
A case of attempted murder has been opened.




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