Sunday, June 29, 2008

Whale Watching 22 June 2008

Hallo Almal


Around the boat, behind the boat, in front of the boat, under the boat,  over the boat, ( ha ha ha ) jaaaaaaaaaaaaa….the Whale Sightings has been absolutely awesome today and yesterday with all your clientele happy chappies and smiling from ear to ear…! After each and every trip we get feedback from the skipper of the day of WHAT he saw, WHERE he saw them , WHAT the behavior was, WHAT the wind speed was etc etc for our logbooks to send data back to Marine and Coastal Management – and Bien was our captain on the 07h00 trip this morning , reported back that he had 5 HUMPBACK Whales, but the clients we’re in such awe, when they came into the office they said they saw about 13-14 Whales – so the perception of the sightings was absolutely stunning.


....people often approach us to comment on how fortunate we are to have the opportunity to watch and experience whales and dolphins firsthand. If we look at the rationale behind these comments, it would suggest to us that people see the opportunity to interact with cetaceans as a fulfilling and life-enriching experience. And it is essential for this reason that whale and dolphin tourism has become such an expanding and globally important industry. Many people travel thousands of miles each year and will un-characteristically get up long before dawn to be on the boat with us to experience a chance to encounter from a close distance with one of the world’s great species…..


Please keep in touch, the weather for the whole of the next week looks perfect, so let’s get those clients out of bed to go whale watching!

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