Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Zululand Surfski Club

May 26, 2008



Zululand Surfski Club

IN contrast to the previous week's flat and balmy conditions, last week's race was held in 20km/h NE wind conditions with sufficient chop to challenge the newcomers and those who were more 'vertically challenged'.
The course was also very different, with paddlers having to venture well out to sea and then make the most of what choppy runs there were available on their return.
The race again saw a strong Zululand contingent with some seven development paddlers tackling the short course and 13 the long course. On the doubles front, Stretch and Colleen Struwig managed to pip the Kennedy and Stavast duo (convincingly they would say), but time will tell how the series pans out.
On the singles side, the juniors Sahun Austin and Donovan Kennedy came in second and third respectively, Mike Stevens was third veteran and Nigel Stevens was the first master.
The next race is the McCarthy Toyota King of the Bay race, which starts in Durban harbour and progresses out of the mouth.

Zululand Results
• Long Course Singles
15 Michael Stevens 01:28:54:00 - 3rd vet
18 Shaun Austin 01:29:34:00 - 2nd junior
19 Nigel Stevens 01:29:54:00 - 1st master
25 Donovan Kennedy 01:32:49:00 - 3rd junior
43 Perry Cobbold 01:37:04:00 - senior
50 Stephen Scrase 01:39:54:00 - senior
73 Kit Mayer 01:46:42:00 - master
• Long course doubles
8 Stretch Struwig and Colleen Struwig 01:27:17:00 - 1st mixed
12 Paul Kennedy and Lammert Stavast 01:28:24:00 - veterans
47 Mark Livingstone and Claire Livingstone 01:43:16:00 - senior
• Short Course
4 Sboniso Zinhali 00:56:06:00 - junior
11 Michael Kennedy 01:02:30:00 - junior
17 Desmond Peel 01:05:13:00 - junior
19 Stephen Hickman 01:05:25:00 - junior
20 Kerry Segal 01:05:36:00 - junior Lady
36 Melanie Jonker 01:23:10:00 - woman
38 Benita Crocker 01:23:10:00 - woman




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