Saturday, May 17, 2008

Need Fishing Reports - Urgently

Fancy your self as an author ... want to put your hand at blogging...
Send as a fishing report of your area in email form with photos placed in the email not attached...
Any story about your establishment.. guest coments or game viewing...
to and we will place it on our blog.
This can have all your contact details on so you can use it as free advertisement and marketing tool...
Comercial ventures: we will take one post a week and place it on our blog. This is free of charge provided you do all the work.
Our blog is spidered by google and well represented in the blogsphere as well as on google alerts. We have news feeds on many blogs around the blogs boiphere.
We are running short staff to meet all our obligations and this free offer could bennifit your bussiness and take some pressure from our staff.
And our tide table for May 2008
News Editor
For Africa

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