Monday, May 19, 2008

Manzi Ngwenya

Thanx for a great offer of free marketing for our local companies along the Elephant Coast and the Greater St. Lucia wetlands park of KZN South africa.

On firday 16 May 2008 I went up to a place called Manzi Ngwenya which loosle transalated into english means Crocodile infested waters,

This is a very unique place and is near the coastal areas between Kozibay and Sodwana bay. I was fortunate enough to get some time off work (looking at plantations of Gum and Pine to evaluate the harvesting problems as a consultant) and went to see the ocean which is about 10 or 12 Km from the plantations inside the coastal protected areas.

The water along this stretch of the Elephant Coast is nearly always as clean as a simming pool and this day was no exception. I saw a small shoal of large kingfish just cruizing along and watched them chase a shaol of mullet into the shallow water and decimate them.

Unfortunately none of us had a fishing rod as this was not a fishing trip. I know next time to take one with, as I was later informed that this is standard fare and theer is always some action in the water up in this end of the Elephant Coast.

I took a few pics which I will upload once I get then from my phone onto a computer. I am looking at arranging a trip up there again and staying over at a forestors house.

Any body interested please send email to or visit any one of these sites

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