Friday, March 16, 2007

St Lucia score in tough conditions

March 16, 2007

St Lucia score in tough conditions

Rudolph Scheepers

ZULULAND Shore Angling hosted the ninth round of the year during the past weekend. Sea conditions were extremely bad due to the cyclone off the coast of Madagascar.
With the huge waves and rough seas it was impossible to fish any of the beaches and most clubs opted to fish in the bricks where they could target reef fish.
St Lucia A managed to get a good score of 93.8 points in these difficult conditions to win the round.
Umzingazi A ended up close behind them in second place on 93.3 points.
Top angler for the weekend was Clive Hunter of Umzingazi Angling Club on 31.1 points.
Top master angler was L Govender also of Umzingazi on 26.9 points.
L V Duyker was the top women angler on 19.8 points also fishing for Umzingazi while top junior went to J Carrol of Tugela AC on 4.4 points.

Top 10 anglers for the round
1 C Hunter, uMzingazi - 31.1 points
2 L Young, Mtunzini - 28.4 points
3 L Govender, uMzingazi - 26.9 points
4 P Blignaut, St Lucia - 21 points
5 C d’Offay, St Lucia - 20.6 points
6 L van Duyker, uMzingazi - 19.8 points
7 D Steenkamp, uMzingazi - 16.1 points
8 S Mathura, uMzingazi - 16.1 points
9 R Cason, St Lucia - 15 points
10 J Hills, uMzingazi - 14.7 points

Top 10 teams
1 St Lucia A - 93.8 points
2 uMzingazi A - 93.3 points
3 uMzingazi B - 59.9 points
4 Mtunzini A - 36.6 points
5 Tugela A - 34.4 points
6 Kwambo A - 27.8 points
7 RBAC A- 18.2 points
8 St Lucia B - 14.2 points
9 QAC A - 12.4 points
10 RBAC B - 6.2 points

Top 15 anglers on the ladder
1 T Sims - 586.9 points
2 B Rapson - 480 points
3 A Naiker - 457.2 points
4 C Hunter - 429.2 points
5 C d’Offay - 412.9 points
6 R Scheepers - 399.3 points
7 D Hunter - 390.9 points
8 B Moodley - 386.8 points
9 N van Blerk - 379.5 points
10 R Kyle - 367.4 points
11 R Woodley - 362.9 points
12 C Woodley - 359.6 points
13 J van Ede - 356.4 points
14 M Beukes - 342.7 points
15 CJ Visagie - 335.8 points.

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