Thursday, March 29, 2007

Festive season April 2007

Security – St. Lucia Estuary
The town of St. Lucia Estuary is geared up to ensure a secure holiday for visitors this festive season. With all the stakeholders working together to fight crime it can only have positive results.

Storm Damage:
No significant storm damage is noticeable in The Greater St. Lucia Wetlands Park area that could influence the stay off the holidaymakers in and around St. Lucia Estuary. Except from the walk way behind Sugar Loaf, which where destroyed, and sediment deposits at the parking area at the mouth the damage is limited to soil erosion along the coast line. (The mouth has opened.)

Mouth Open:
St. Lucia mouth has opened up, and all the sediment that was dumped in 2001 with Jolly Rubino disaster and in 2006/2007 to prevent the iMfolozi mouth and St. Lucia Estuary from merging, has been eroded and dispersed.

With the spring tide on 02 April 2007 good fishing conditions are expected. This weekend, 29, 30 and 31 April, will be rainy and wind directions will vary. By Monday, 2 April 2007, it will clear and shad could be caught early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

Grunter will probably be present with the out going tide from before sunrise until 09h00 in the morning and from 16h00 until 21h00 in the afternoon and evening. Best time for Salmon fishing will be from 16h00 to 19h30.

Best Spots:From the ski boat club around the Estuary banks to the mouth area. From the mouth to shad hole and marker no. 4 will also be popular.

Sardine and prawn in the Estuary and mouth area. Sea lice in the surf and Wave Garrick or Shad on sliding swivel for Salmon.

Keep the beaches clean. All fishing permits must be kept handy. Stick to bag and size limits.
Respect other user groups and remember it is a privilege to fish in a World Heritage Site.

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