Tuesday, January 30, 2007


MEDIA RELEASE No: 2007 - 01
For immediate release
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW) and the Wetland Authority announce that
Charters Creek on the western shore of Lake St Lucia in the Greater St Lucia
Wetland Park World Heritage Site, is open to day visitors once more after
drought forced its closure some years ago.
After the prolonged and severe drought that saw the closure of all the EKZNW
visitor facilities on the western shore of Lake St Lucia due to the
extremely low level of the Lake which prevented the launching of any boats,
and lack of domestic water, good rains have fallen in many areas around the
Lake since early December 2006.
Domestic water supplies to the western shore facilities are still not
completely restored, but Charter's Creek is once more open to day visitors
In spite of significant inflows of water the level of Lake St Lucia is still
very low, but it is possible to launch small boats, although such launches
are still difficult due to the fact that the slipways are not yet covered by
water, and the water's edge is still some distance from the normal shoreline

The surface area of the Lake has increased from 30% to about about 50%, and
the Mkhuze River, which has not flowed in some five years, has inundated the
parched Mkhuze Swamp and is running into the northern part of the Lake.
During the drought the Lake had split into several seperate water bodies as
the level dropped, but with the recent rains and good inflow from the Mkhuze
River, these have all joined up once more to create one large stretch of
The ban on taking kabeljou (kob, salmon) remains in place and will be
enforced, although several other species of fish are being taken by anglers.
Anglers who inadvertantly hook a kabeljou are requested immediately to
release the fish unharmed.
Should the fish have swallowed the hook, the line is to be cut as close to
the fish's mouth as possible and the fish released.
Anglers and other visitors wishing to use the day-visitor facilities at
Charter's Creek are advised to contact the Reception Office on 035 550 9002
to confirm conditions at the Lake.
Ends ...
AJG/ Media Release No: 2007 - 01

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